"I know this now. Every man or woman gives their lives to what they believe. Sometimes people believe in little or nothing, and so they give their lives to little or nothing."
~ Joan of Arc

Saturday, 1 October 2005

Relationships and commitment issues

My friend phoned me, semi-hysterical, asking my advice. She just talked to her boyfriend (who has told her before that he loves her and wants to marry her) - it was clear to her that he was in bed with another girl.
I always thought these things only happen in movies. I mean, are guys really that dof in real life too? Do they think they can promise a girl the world, but get away with compromising?

I truly don't understand it. Where are the days that someone would say, "I love you and want to marry you", and ACTUALLY mean, "I really love you and will never consider anyone else EVER", instead of "I like you [maybe if this doesn't work/I get tired of you/I need a diversion, I could always sleep with Susan or Debby 'cause you'd never know...]"

It makes me MAD!!! Worst is, usually girls who are stuck with these morons have trouble letting them go. Or should I rather say, kick the idiot in the butt and realize that guy isn't worthy of her. I really hate the politics of relationships. I didn't know what to tell her. I wanted to wring his neck. I wanted to say, why do you allow yourself to be hurt by someone who is clearly not worth this pain? I wanted to shake her and yell, Wake up! Smell the coffee! Get over him and move on. I did not say any of this. She was not ready to hear it. Nothing I said could comfort her, and that's no surprise - how do you comfort a hurt caused by broken trust?

I'm going to bed now to cry for her, then pray earnestly that a decent guy will cross her path soon. A heart cannot be broken too many times, because the scars become too deep.

Movies to avoid - a quick reference

NEVER watch this, you’ll gag:

Bad movie/bad taste/bad topic:
• Closer

OK, but don’t expect much/could have been much better:
• XXX2 – the next level
• Next stop Wonderland