"I know this now. Every man or woman gives their lives to what they believe. Sometimes people believe in little or nothing, and so they give their lives to little or nothing."
~ Joan of Arc

Sunday, 16 November 2008

I learned a new word today: graphophile

I learned that there's a word for people like me who like writing: graphophiles. And guess what you call the fear of writing? Graphophobia . Not that I could ever put myself in that position, because to say I "like" writing is an understatement. I just love writing, anything from letters and postcards, to short stories (which I never finish), to lists (which I never follow), to taking down thorough notes during speeches/classes/sermons (which I never go back to). I have more pens than I could ever use in one lifetime, and more letter pads than I could ever find time to actually send. But apparently that's to be expected, because graphophiles not only love writing, but all things related. So I guess now I have something to blame for my immeasurable amount of papers and envelopes and pens and more pens collecting dust. Did I mention I have a lot of pens?

As a bonus, here is a fascinating blog entry that's basically a short list of links to a few things graphophiliated (that's my own made-up word: graphophile + related = graphophiliated! No one can ever say I didn't contribute to the English language! ;-)