"I know this now. Every man or woman gives their lives to what they believe. Sometimes people believe in little or nothing, and so they give their lives to little or nothing."
~ Joan of Arc

Friday 30 September 2005

A new job awaits

Well, I guess saying 'new job' is a bit of wishful thinking, since this is my first real job. Actually, it's not even a 'real job', it's an internship, and we haven't even discussed payment, so for all I know I'm doing it for free, so it can't really count as a job... although it does count as 'experience', which is why I'm doing it.
But I'm excited anyway. I've been to the studio, and it looks cosy and comfortable, a place I will enjoy to be. And there are definitely lots of room to place my mark - I could add to its already cosy appeal :-)

I'm clocking in on Monday, so I've got the whole weekend to work myself into a frenzy! EECK!
Check out their website: www.mediamache.com

About the name

You know the saying about not throwing out the baby with the bathwater? Well, I figured, since I'll be using this space to simply comment on my daily life, and life in general, having no specific goal or structure in mind, anyone who reads this will have to look for the useful (baby) in the senseless (dirty bathwater).

Although, I must admit that I'm never senseless. OK, replace 'senseless' with 'useless info', meaning, although full of sense, it might have no real or lasting impact on you whatsoever.

Now that that's off my chest, happy wading!